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Verkhovna Rada

Parliament Approves Amnesty for ATO Fighters

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on amnesty for fighters of the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

Parliament Meeting Closed as Tribune Blocked

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy closed the afternoon meeting of Parliament just after it started.

Rada Removed Onyshchenko’s Immunity and Allowed his Arrest

Verkhovna Rada approved submission by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to launch criminal proceedings against Oleksandr Onyshchenko, an MP from Volya Narodu parliamentary group

MP Hryniv says Kotsiubynske Case is Yet More Judicial Overreach

Ihor Hryniv, Leader of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction, has expressed disapproval of the Supreme Court of Ukraine’s decision to cancel the Parliamentary resolution to dissolve the village council in Kotsiubynske and hold elections there.

MP Vlasenko: Statute of Limitations Will Soon Prevent Prosecution of Maidan Judges

It will soon be impossible to prosecute judges who put Maidan protesters in jail, as the three-year statute of limitations will expire in three and a half months.

Groysman: Detention of Officials is ‘Just the Beginning’

Detentions of state officials last week are just the first step in removing corruption from the government, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman stresses.

Lutsenko: Military Should not Be Held Responsible for Breaking ‘Peacetime’ Laws During the War

The Verkhovna Rada should adopt a law to exempt military personnel who break the peacetime Criminal Code during wartime from criminal responsibility.

Parubiy: Parliament May Fail to Promptly Appoint New Members of Central Election Commission

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy said to journalists there was a risk that the Parliament won’t promptly consider the appointment of new members of the Central Election Commission.

Parubiy Personally Favors Differentiating Between Decentralization and ‘Special Status’ of Donbas

Ukrainian Parliament Chairman Andriy Parubiy would be in favor of removing the special status of non-government-controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts from the draft amendments to the Constitution concerning decentralization.

Speaker Parubiy: Lifting Immunity from Onyshchenko Will Take 10 Days

Speaker Andriy Parubiy counts on law enforcement agencies not to let MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko out of Ukraine while the Verkhovna Rada is going through the procedure of lifting his immunity.

Igor Lutsenko: The President’s People are Involved in Illegal Construction

MP Igor Lutsenko has proposed the establishment of an interagency commission to counter illegal construction.

Savchenko on Her Future Plans: Help for Prisoners, Reforms for the Army

On Friday, May 27, 2016 Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko gave her first press conference upon returning to Ukraine after being imprisoned in Russia.