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Ukraine's Speaker Stefanchuk explains why he does not hold presidential power, as Putin claimed

Putin says Ukraine's parliamentary speaker is now de facto country leader

Speaker of Estonian Parliament meets with Ukraine's speaker and PM

Parliament's speaker explains what is happening with draft law on mobilisation

Committee on NATO issues to be created in parliament – Ukraine's Parliament Head

Senior US officials meet with delegation from Kyiv amid congressional disputes

Ukraine's Parliament chairman responds to European Solidarity faction after complaints that MPs were not allowed to leave Ukraine

Ukrainian parliament doesn't have enough votes to ban Moscow-linked church – Speaker

24 February 2022 reconstructed. Episode 3. Facility No. 1, or All power in Zelenskyy's bunker

Elections in time of war will tear country apart – Ukrainian parliament Chairman

Stefanchuk assessed whether "Servant of the People" has future after war

Ukraine wants to start negotiating full EU membership by end of year – Ukraine's Parliamentary Speaker

Ukraine wants to join NATO right after Sweden and under same scenario

Ukrainian parliament's chairman meets with Azovstal steelworks defenders in Türkiye

Chairman of Ukrainian Parliament addressed Sejm: thanked Poles and mentioned Volhynia

Head of Ukrainian parliament announces more NASAMS for Ukraine

"European tradition": Ukrainian parliament to consider idea of marking Victory Day on 8 May as soon as possible

Parliamentary office to be opened in Ukraine to adapt legislation to EU law

Ukraine's Parliament Head shares story of hypebeasts disrupting meeting in Motherland Monument after beginning of full-scale invasion

President of European Parliament says it is "good to come back to Ukraine"

Ukraine expects to be invited to NATO at Alliance summit in Vilnius – chairman of Ukraine's Parliament

Ukraine opposes Russian participation in OSCE meeting

Zelenskyy instructs Ukraine’s parliament speaker to consider petition to revoke MPs’ mandates from banned Russian-backed political party

Ukraine's parliament speaker asks French parliament for tanks and planes and to recognise Holodomor as genocide

Russian prankers try to "play trick" on Head of Ukrainian Parliament

Ukraine receives conclusions on two draft laws necessary for EU accession

Hungary persistently continues to drag Ukraine through the mud and whitewash Russia – Chairman of Verkhovna Rada

Parliament Speaker: Attempts planned on the lives of 3 People’s Deputies

“Georgia’s decision to trade with Russia is a shady arrangement with the aggressor” – Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament

Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk criticized the government of Georgia due to its intention to conduct trade with the Russian Federation, despite international sanctions against Moscow.