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Man who attacked Slovak PM says he wanted to influence Slovakia's policy on Ukraine

Slovak PM in "stable but serious" condition after assassination attempt

Slovak president spoke to Fico: Slovak PM remembers moment of assassination attempt

Slovak PM assassination attempt: Fico stable but in very serious condition

Man who shot Slovak PM may belong to pro-Russian militarised group – photos

Zelenskyy strongly condemns assassination attempt on Slovak PM and wishes him speedy recovery

Slovak PM assassination attempt: Fico in "life-threatening" condition, next few hours will be critical

Slovak PM in hospital after attempt on his life

Slovak president visits Moshchun, where she honours dead Ukrainian defenders

Zelenskyy comments on Slovakian PM’s scorn for Slovaks who raised money for shells for Ukraine

Slovak president arrives in Ukraine on farewell visit – photo

Slovaks raise nearly €4 million for ammunition for Ukraine without government support

Slovaks raise over €3 million for ammunition for Ukraine

Russia will never leave Crimea and Donbas, Slovak PM says

Ukrainian PM explains Slovakia's involvement in Peace Formula after meeting with Slovak counterpart

Slovak PM says Slovakia will not impede Ukraine's path to EU

Slovakia to take part in Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland

Slovak PM says his country wants to maintain friendly relations with Ukraine

Ukrainian PM arrives in Slovakia

Hungarian PM calls election of anti-Ukrainian president in Slovakia "a big win" for "advocates of peace"

Czech PM reluctant to discuss Ukraine ammunition deal details in presence of Slovak PM – media

Slovak PM will not change his stance on war in Ukraine despite tensions with Czech Republic

Several thousand people in Slovakia rally against government and in support of Ukraine – photo

Slovak Defence Minister: Men of mobilisation age should be returned to Ukraine

Slovak parliament deputy speaker claims Russia invaded Ukraine to "protect its interests"

Czecho-Slovakian ties strained over differing views on Russia's war, says Slovak PM Fico

Slovak foreign minister shakes hands with his Russian counterpart, Slovak PM hails meeting – photo

Visegrád Group leaders publicly clash over war in Ukraine

Slovakian prime minister believes Russia started war against Ukraine because of "rampant Ukrainian neo-Nazis"

Slovakia witnesses massive protests against Fico government, with record turnout in Bratislava – photo