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Lithuania to allocate €5 million to rebuild schools and kindergartens in Ukraine

Anti-radiation shelters being built in 10 educational institutions in Vinnytsia

Russians damage university in Kharkiv with airstrike – photos

5 underground schools to be built in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Restoration of Ukrainian scientific facilities to cost US$1.3 billion – UNESCO study

Russians bombard Kherson once again, educational institution suffers damage – video

Cadets from Ukrainian military academies to be trained by US experts — Defence Ministry

Russians have damaged every seventh school in Ukraine

Zelenskyy signs law approving mechanism for evaluating academic achievements of citizens from occupied territories

Amnesty International documents crimes against Ukrainian children in education

Russian occupying authorities force Ukrainian children to write letters to Russian soldiers

Kremlin steps up campaign to destroy children's Ukrainian identity in Russian-occupied territories

Russians bring 34,000 Russian textbooks to occupied Kherson Oblast

Sweden to give €6.5 million to rebuild schools and kindergartens in Ukraine

Ukraine's Education Ministry stops printing "Moldovan language" textbooks following outcry from Romania

Hero of Ukraine transferred from Ivan Bohun Military High School to National Defenсe University

Part of 100-year-old college is demolished in Kharkiv following Russian drone damage

Ukraine's first underground school to be built in Kharkiv

Ukraine's intelligence chief is admitted to postgraduate Political Science course at university in Rivne Oblast

Armenia sends Ukraine first assistance since start of war – digital devices for schools

Russia creates retraining centres for participants of war in Ukraine: they will teach "protection of Motherland" to children

High school students without Russian citizenship are not allowed into school in occupied territories

Zelenskyy presents new app for school students

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief says knowledge and culture are pillars on which the frontline stands

Ukraine agrees on supply of armoured medical vehicles – Zelenskyy

Russians destroy kindergarten in Kherson Oblast

Some children in Kharkiv to attend school in metro

Shahed drone destroys school in Sumy Oblast, killing four employees

Russia hits Komyshuvakha in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, damaging educational facility

In Ukraine, 68% of educational institutions have bomb shelters, but it's not enough – Prime Minister