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State Emergency Service

Search and rescue operation at Kharkiv hypermarket completed, 19 bodies found in total

Ukrainian border guards shoot down Russian drone targeting emergency workers – video

Ukraine's Internal Minister posts video of aftermath of Russian attacks on Kharkiv on 23 May

Russians target village in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, injuring 3 people – photos

Rescue workers post photos from sites of Russian attacks on Kharkiv

Bomb disposal experts disable Kh-69 warhead in Kyiv – photo

Firefighters spend half a day extinguishing conflagrations after Russian attack on Sumy Oblast – photo, video

Russian strike on residential area in Kharkiv leaves 5 people injured, including a child – photo

Man's body found under rubble after Russian attack on Kharkiv Oblast – photo

Search and rescue operations completed in Dnipro: death toll rises to 3

Russians targeted firefighters in Donetsk Oblast as they were putting out fire from previous attack – photo

Tractor hits explosive in Kharkiv Oblast, driver injured

Ukraine's Emergency Service response protocols completely changed

Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs pays tribute to rescue workers killed in Kharkiv – video

Aftermath of large-scale drone attack on Kharkiv: four wounded, 12 killed – photo

Russian attack on Kharkiv: three rescue workers killed in repeated strike

Russian forces hit fire station in Kharkiv Oblast – photo

Russian Kh-59 missile found in forest in Sumy Oblast with a damaged body and no engine – photo, video

Ukrainian bomb disposal team defuse Russian aerial bomb in Kharkiv Oblast – photo, video

6 people seek medical care following Russia's large-scale missile attack – photo

Number of people injured in Russian ballistic missile strike on Mykolaiv rises – photo, video

Ukraine's Emergency Service warns of Russian bombs in border areas

Kharkiv: Russians strike again as firefighters extinguish fire, injuring emergency worker and police officer – photo

Ukraine on fire: State Emergency Service shows consequences of Russian strikes – photo, video

Bomb disposal experts destroy warhead of Kh-101 missile that targeted Kyiv – photo, video

Russians strike fire station in Kharkiv Oblast with missile, injuring firefighter – photo

Number of people injured in Shahed attack on apartment building in Sumy increases – photo

Russian UAV attack on Sumy: body of second victim retrieved from under rubble

Mechanised demining vehicles clear 47.3 hectares of land in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo

Two firefighters die in Donetsk Oblast after being struck with drones by Russians