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Mykolaiv Oblast

Russians hit shop and fitness centre in Ochakiv with drone: fire breaks out – photos, video

Russians strike open car wash in Snihurivka, 3 killed, 6 wounded – photos

Ukrainian Navy downs four Russian Shahed drones over Mykolaiv Oblast

Russian forces attack Ochakiv in Mykolaiv Oblast 3 times in a row

Ukraine's air defence troops down Russian Kh-59 missile over Mykolaiv Oblast: debris damage transport infrastructure

Woman killed, man and teenager injured in Russian attack on Mykolaiv Oblast

Russians hit energy infrastructure in Odesa City and Mykolaiv Oblast, causing destruction and injuring people – photo

Ukrainian air defence downs Russian attack drones in 5 oblasts, but there are strikes

Private houses and power lines damaged in Mykolaiv Oblast as result of Russian attack

Russian missiles hit Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts, damage civilian buildings

Russia fires missile on Ukraine

Mechanised demining vehicles clear 47.3 hectares of land in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo

Russian UAVs hit industrial facility in Odesa Oblast and damage power line in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo

Shahed drone stuck in wind turbine blade in Mykolaiv Oblast – video

Russians attack Mykolaiv Oblast, fire breaks out

Drone wreckage damages transformer at critical infrastructure facility in Odesa

Ukrainian forces down 10 out of 10 Russian-launched UAVs overnight

Mykolaiv Oblast: several settlements without electricity after Shahed attack

All bridges destroyed by Russians in Mykolaiv Oblast rebuilt – photo

Russians attack Lymany in Mykolaiv Oblast, damaging buildings and injuring man

Russians damage infrastructure facility and power grid in Mykolaiv Oblast with missile

Russian Shahed drones attack warehouses and shop in Mykolaiv Oblast: security guard wounded – photo

Falling attack drone debris sets lorry on fire, wounding driver

Falling drone wreckage damages buildings in Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts during nighttime attack

Russians launch 2 waves of drone attacks, mainly targeting Odesa, with 6 people injured – photo, video

Ukrainian air defences shoot down Russian missile over Mykolaiv Oblast

Russian shelling damages 5 high-rise apartment buildings in Marhanets – photo

Air-raid warnings issued in Ukraine's south due to threat of Russian missile strikes

Air defence downs 8 Shahed drones in Ukraine’s south, but wreckage causes fire near Odesa

Recreation centre on fire in Mykolaiv Oblast due to Shahed drone attack