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Russians strike apartment building in Kherson, injuring three people, including teenager – video

Russians hit Kherson, killing one man – video

Russian troops strike at Kherson, 2 people injured

Number of casualties of Russian strike on Kherson increases to 19

Russians aircraft attack centre of Kherson, injuring 17 civilians – photos

Russians hit multi-storey building in Kherson – video

Russians strike residential area of Kherson: four houses caught fire – photos, videos

"I will never be able to take a picture of all my close friends at our victory party," says photographer Julia Kochetova

Russian drones attack emergency workers in Kherson suburb: two injured – video

Kherson couple working for FSB are sentenced to 15 years in prison – photo

Russians attack Kherson Oblast, 2 people killed

Russians attack Kherson in the morning, injuring 2 people

Several of Kherson's districts suffer Russian bombardments

Elderly woman killed in Russian attack on outskirts of Kherson

Russian forces attack Kherson from Dnipro's east bank

Russians target port infrastructure in Kherson

Russian troops attack Kherson, woman injured

Russians strike agricultural business in Kherson Oblast and damage industrial buildings in Zaporizhzhia

Russians attack residential areas of Kherson, injuring 2 people

Russia attacks Kherson

Russians fire at a taxi in Kherson, killing driver and wounding 2 people

Russians attack one of Kherson's universities: huge holes in facade – photo

High-rise building struck in Russian attack on Kherson – video

Russians strike Kherson's centre once again, injuring woman

Russian attack on Kherson Oblast injures civilian and 3 police officers – photo

Russian attack on Kherson sets 5-storey building ablaze – photo

Russia attacks Kherson this morning, hitting residential building – photo, video

Russia attacks Kherson several times in a day, injuring two civilians

Russian strike apartment building in Kherson, authorities show aftermath of explosion – photo, video

Three people injured in Russian attack on Kherson