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Russia wants to take tens of thousands of Ukrainian children from occupied territories to Russia – ISW

Russians build filtration camps for Ukrainians in Volga Oblast

Russia allocated 420,000 euros for Maria Lvova-Belova: additional state budget allocated for the forced retention of Ukrainians

Japan joins coalition seeking to bring children abducted by Russia back to Ukraine

Russians "re-educate" Ukrainian children in occupied territories, spend lavishly on special programmes

Ukraine liberates teenage girl, 17, taken from occupied territories to Russia

9 Ukrainian children brought home thanks to Qatar

US House of Representatives condemns Russian Federation for abducting Ukrainian children

Latvia may deport hundreds of Russians

UK Defence Intelligence: Russia may be preparing to deport residents of occupied territories of Ukraine

Russian authorities develop re-education system for children abducted from Ukraine

Ukraine brings back five more children from occupied territories

Ukraine brings back 11 more children from Russia and occupied territories – photo

Two more children brought back to Ukraine from occupation

Ukraine brings back 2 children deported to Russia

Young man deported from Mariupol by Russians is brought back to Ukraine

Ukraine liberates 3 more children from Russian occupation

3 more children brought back to Ukraine from Russia and occupied territories – photo

Up to 800,000 Russian citizens have arrived illegally in Crimea during its occupation

Ukraine brings back 387 children abducted by Russia out of almost 20,000 – photo

Russian-abducted Mariupol teenager Yermokhin comments on attitude towards him in Russia

Occupiers announce "evacuation" from Nova Kakhovka

Eight children return to Ukraine from Russian occupation

Russians to release six more deported Ukrainian children under Qatar's mediation – WP

Abducted girl "adopted" by Russian politician has brother, his location unknown

10-month-old Ukrainian child abducted to Russia had her name changed

Russians prepare new lists of Ukrainian children for deportation

Zelenskyy comments on deported young man’s return: There were many attempts to help him

Teenager who had been deported to Russia from Mariupol comes back to Ukraine

Ukrainian teenager from Mariupol whom Russians called up is sent to Belarus