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Ethnic violence in Kosovo plays into the Kremlin’s hands

Evidence from the Battlefield: The Role of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Opportunities for Development

Is blowing up of Kakhovka HPP basis for new warrant from International Criminal Court?

The head of the "Servant of the People" party, Olena Shulyak, lobbies urban planning "reform" at the international level

Al-Shabaab recruits hungry Somali refugees

South Africa's divisions over Russia policy expose racial fault lines

War Speeches. Russia swallows the "grain deal" and complains that Patriot is shooting down "Kinzhals"

The Register of Damages starts working, what are the next steps?

VKontakte with the occupiers: the Russian propaganda machine in the temporarily occupied territories

Vanuatu leads campaign to criminalize ecocide

Change of mood at the UN? or seemed?

Allowed does not equal forbidden: why it is time to restore mandatory electronic declaration

The battle on Ukraine's cyber frontline

Day of Memory and Reconciliation: The Story of a Ukrainian Family that Survived WWII

How the war in Ukraine leads to more child marriages in Africa

How the Ukraine war suspended international cooperation on space exploration and turned space into a battleground

War Speeches. EU Urges China to Move to “Ukrainian side,” Russia Seeks to Legalize the Annexation

How the Ukraine war could spell the end of fossil fuels
